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Μια από τις πιο μεγάλες αδικίες αντιμετώπισης των δύο φύλων είναι και το χρώμα των μαλλιών. Για τους άνδρες το γκρίζο και λευκό σημαίνει γοητεία και σοφία (βλ. Ρίτσαρντ Γκιρ, Τζορτζ Κλούνεϊ, Έρικ Ντέιν), ενώ για τις γυναίκες απλά δείχνει πως “γέρασαν”. Κατά συνέπεια, οι γυναίκες περνούν το μεγαλύτερο μέρος της ζωής τους βάφοντας τα μαλλιά τους και τρέχουν στο κομμωτήριο για ρίζα κάθε φορά που ξεμυτίζουν «τα λευκά».

Ποτέ ωστόσο δεν είναι αργά να αναθεωρήσουμε, και αυτό ακριβώς επιχειρεί να πετύχει ο λογαριασμός grombre στο Instagram. Η 26χρονη Μάρτα Τράσλοου Σμιθ αποφάσισε να δημιουργήσει τον εν λόγω λογαριασμό προκειμένου να υποστηρίξει τις γυναίκες οι οποίες αποφασίζουν να αγκαλιάσουν τον εαυτό τους, τα μαλλιά τους και τις… ρίζες τους!



«Ο βασικός λόγος που δημιούργησα το Grombre ήταν για να ξεκινήσω ένα διαφορετικό διάλογο γύρω από τα γκρίζα μαλλιά στις γυναίκες και να βρω την απάντηση σε κάποια σοβαρά ερωτήματα που με απασχολούσαν, όπως “είναι αλήθεια ότι τα γκρίζα μαλλιά μου είναι άσχημα, με κάνουν να φαίνομαι μεγάλη και σημαίνουν ότι δεν είμαι πια καλή;”», αναφέρει η Μάρτα στο

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“My first gray hair memory was when I was 7 years old. I remember being at school, I had long hair, and it caught my attention. I yanked it out, but never really thought much of it because I thought it was normal; both my parents have ALWAYS had grey since my earliest childhood memories. It wasn't until I got married and I had my second child at 22 that I started to go salt and pepper. One day, my female boss was leaning over from behind as I sat at my desk, and she made a comment, ‘oh my goodness, for such a young woman, you sure have LOTS of grey!’ I felt so embarrassed and ashamed; I did not want to be considered old! So from the age of approximately 24 I started to dye my hair dark brown, the closest I could get to my "natural" color. I did those until I was 41 years old. By then, I was coloring every 2 weeks! I hated it. It grew out so fast, all I could see was a white skunk line. Sometimes when I traveled, I would pack a box of dye in my luggage, just in case. I would be mortified if anyone even suspected that I had grey hair. Many times I tried growing it out, but I felt like I would look hagard and old, and then I'd give in, and re-dye; it was like alcohol addiction…always back to the bottle! Anyhow, I was going to turn 42, and I made a bet with myself… I would go cold turkey for 12 months (no matter what) and see what was really growing underneath the dye. My heart was ready. I got many (unwanted) opinions from friends and my kids, ‘don't do it, you're gonna look old…’ ‘Why are you letting yourself go?’ I did it, it took me 3 years to grow it out completely. I didn't do the big chop, instead, I kept cutting the ends. I have been dye free for 6 years now; I love me and my hair. I get compliments ALL the time. As a matter of fact, people in general think I'm in my 30's; I'm 48. …and because of my hair, I model for stock photos! I feel more vibrant and beautiful today more than I ever did than when I dyed it. My husband has nicknamed me his ‘SILVER FOX.’” @__la_silver_zorra__ #grombre #gogrombre

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“I first noticed grey in my mid twenties, in fact my husband and I started to go grey in the same area of hair practically at the same time. I Covered it endlessly with black dye which really suited me but I was left looking tired, unkempt and embarrassed when someone pointed it out as soon as the contrast of silver growth showed at the parting. I decided to run two blonde/grey streaks through the front of my hair which looked great and took the attention off the growing out of the roots. They have grown out a lot now and left way to natural silver streaks. I literally get stopped in the street once a day by women and men expressing their love for the colour and it’s really sweet to hear.” @huggermuggertrends #grombre #gogrombre

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“Adolescence was filled with reasons to dislike my body. Luckily, adulthood has made up for it with so many opportunities to learn to appreciate myself. Every time I stop interfering and let my body just do its thing, I am met with what feels like miraculous results. My body, as it so happens, can grow and birth babies… and then make milk for them for years on end. My skin looks better with less makeup. And it turns out that the highlights that I always wanted were on their way… I just had to wait a few years for nature to provide them. ? I get compliments on my silver streaks almost every day, and I’ve started to feel like keeping my grey hair is partially for my own enjoyment and partially to show people what grey hair looks like when it’s allowed to exist in its full glory (without hair dye intervening). A friend recently told me that my hair color has achieved “rock star status” among her teenage daughters. Teenagers being impressed by a woman aging naturally? Setting this example is all the reason I need to never again touch a bottle of hair color.” @la.lindsey #grombre #gogrombre

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